Lottery Hotline

Choose your number of entries *

* = Required field

Your personal details

You must be a UK resident to enter this lottery.

Contact Preferences

We may contact you by post and phone about how you can get involved with fundraising, events, products we sell and how we campaign, using the details you’ve provided.

Please let us know if you’re also happy for us to contact you by email and text:

Thank you for trusting us with your data. We'll do all we can to keep it safe. To find out more about how we use and manage your personal data and your rights you can see our full privacy notice at

You can also update your details or change the way we contact you by emailing or calling 0208 8326 7030.

Terms and Conditions *

Over 18 You must be at least 18 years or older to enter

Where did you hear about our lottery? *